Uluslararası Yayınlar
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (1994) Effects of Photoperiod, Pinealectomy, and Melatonin Implants on Testicular Development in Juvenile Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Biology of Reproduction, 51:1181-1187.
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (1998) The Impact of Photoperiods and Melatonin on Gonadal Development in Juvenile Turkish Hamster (Mesocricetus brandti). J of Pineal Research, 25:193-200.
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (2001) A Test of the Coincidense and Duration Models of Melatonin Action in Siberian Hamsters: II: The Effects of 4- and 8-hr Melatonin
Infusions on Testicular Development of Pinealectomized Juvenile Siberian Hamsters, (Phodopus sungorus). J of Pineal Research, 30(1):56-64.
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (2001) A Test of the Coincidense and Duration Models of Melatonin Action in Siberian Hamsters: The Effects of one hour Melatonin Infusions on Testicular Development of Intact and Pinealectomized Juvenile Siberian Hamsters, (Phodopus sungorus). J of Pineal Research, 30(2):97-107.
Gündüz B (2001) Protective Effects of Melatonin on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Mice. The Sciences (J. Med. Sci.), Vol.1 No. 3, 117-120.
Gündüz B and Karakas A (2001) Photoperiodic Control of Testis Activity in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). The Sciences (J. Med. Sci.), Vol.1 No. 3,
Karakas A and Gündüz B (2002) Effect of Different Photoperiods on Gonadal
Maintenance and Development in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones
unguiculatus). Zoological Science, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp233-239.
Gündüz B (2002) Daily Rhythm in Serum Melatonin and Leptin Levels in the Syrian
Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A,
132(2): 393-401.
Karakas A and Gündüz B (2002) Testicular Status in Pinealectomized Adult Mongolian
Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Israel Journal of Zoology, Vol.48, pp.189-196.
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (2003) Maternal transfer of photoperiodic information in
Siberian hamsters. VI. Effects of time-dependent 1-hr melatonin infusions in the mother
on photoperiod-induced testicular development of her offspring. Journal of Pineal
Research, 34:217-225.
Karakaş A, Çamsarı Ç, Serin E, Gündüz B (2005) Effects of Photoperiod and Food
Availability on Growth, Leptin, Sexual Maturation and Maintenance in the Mongolian
Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Zoological Science, Vol. 22 No.6, 665-670.
Karakas A and Gündüz B (2006) Relationship between the suprachiasmatic nucleus and
leptin hormone release in Syrian hamsters. Chronobiology International, 23(1&2):225-
Serin E, Karakas A, Turker A, Gündüz B (2006). The effects of mistletoe (Viscum
album L.) extracts on isolated ileum contraction. Clinical Chemistry 52 (6): A36-A37
A110 Suppl.
Serin E, Karakas A, Turker A, Gündüz B (2006). The reducing effect of fennel
(Foeniculuin vulgaris) extracts on the uterine contractions changes according to the
preparation method. Clinical Chemistry 52 (6): A71-A72 B109 Suppl.
Bülent Gündüz, Alper Karalaş, Hakan Terzi, Jale Öner, Erdinç Serin, and Aysel
Kükner (2008). The effect of pinealectomy and leptin hormone on the proliferation and
apoptosis activation in Syrian hamster testis in different photoperiods. International
Journal of Andrology 31, 1-10.
Alper Karakas, Arzu Ucar Turker, Bulent Gunduz (2008). Effects of European
Mistletoe (Viscum album L. subsp. album) extracts on activity rhythms of the Syrian
hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Natural Product Research, Vol. 22, No. 11,
Alper KARAKAŞ, Erdinç SERİN, Bülent GÜNDÜZ, Arzu UÇAR TÜRKER (2008).
The Effects of Mistletoe ( Viscum albumL. subsp. album) Extracts on Isolated Intestinal
Contractions. Turkish Journal of Biology, 32, 237-242.
Ali Rıza Gezici, Rüçhan Ergün, Alper Karakaş, Bülent Gündüz (2009). Serum Leptin
Levels Following Acute Experimental Spinal Cord Injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord
Medicine, 32: 416-421.
Bülent Gündüz, Alper Karakaş, Hakan Terzi, Jale Öner, Erdinç Serin, and Aysel
Kükner (2009). The effect of pinealectomy and leptin hormone on the proliferation and
apoptosis activation in Syrian hamster testis in different photoperiods. International
Journal of Andrology 32, 4:343-352.
Ali Rıza Gezici, Alper Karakaş, Rüçhan Ergün, Bülent Gündüz (2009). Serum cortisol
levels following acute experimental spinal cord injury. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia
Polska, 43:4, 352-357.
Bülent Gündüz, Alper Karakaş (2010). The effects of pinealectomy and melatonin
implants on circadian locomotor activity responses of the Mongolian gerbils exposed to
rapid photoperiodic transitions. Journal of Neurological Sciences. 27: 429-437
Koc O, Gunduz B, Topcuoglu A, Bugdaycı G, Yılmaz F, Duran B (2010). Effetcs of
Pinealectomy and Melatonin Supplementation on the Endometrial Explants in a Rat
Model. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
153:72-76, 2010
AR Gezici, A Karakaş, R Ergün and B Gündüz (2010). Rhythms of serum melatonin in
rats with acute spinal cord injury at the cervical and thoracic regions. Spinal Cord 48,
Karakas A, Kaya A, Gündüz B (2010). The effect of pinealectomy, melatonin and leptin
hormones on follicular development in female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).
Acta Biologica Hungarica, 61(4) pp 380-390, 2010
Bülent Gündüz, Alper Karakaş (2011). The effects of leptin hormone on locomotor
activity in Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Turkish Journal of Biology, 35:727-
A. Karakaş, H. Coşkun, A Kaya, A. Küçük, B. Gündüz (2011) The effects of the
intraamygdalar melatonin injections on the anxiety behaviour and the spatial memory
performance in male wistar rats. Behavioral Brain Research, 222, 141-150
Gündüz B., "Serum leptin profiles, food intake, and body weight in melatonin-
implanted Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) exposed to long and short
photoperiods", TURKISH JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, vol.38, pp.185-192, 2014 (Link)
Ulusal Yayınlar
Gündüz B (1999) Hidroksil Temizleyici Bir Hormon Olarak; Melatonin. Gülhane Tıp
Dergisi, 41(2):252-257.
Gündüz B and Karakas A (2001) Effects of Photoperiod and Melatonin Infusions on
Body Weight in Pinealectomized Juvenile Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus
sungorus). Turkish Journal of Biology, 25, 301-321.
Gündüz B (2002) Photoperiod and Temperature Regulates Growth and Reproductive
Organ Mass in Adult Male Mongolian Gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus. Turkish Journal
of Biology, 26, 77-82.
Gündüz B and Stetson MH (2003) Reproductive response of adult Siberian hamsters to
one-hour melatonin infusions. Turkish Journal of Biology, 27, 57-63.
Gündüz B (2003) Leptin ve Üreme Sistemi. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 13 (2), 22-23.
F Pehlivan, A Karakaş, B Gündüz (2003) Suriye Hamsterlerinde Östrus Siklusu
Boyunca Leptin Hormon Profili. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 13 (2), 62-63.
Karakaş A and Gündüz B (2003) Melatonin Implants Have no Effect on the Testis
Volume and Body Weight in Mongolian Gerbils. Turkish Journal of Biology, 27, 209-
Alper Karakaş, Erdinç Serin, Bülent Gündüz (2006) Food Restriction Affects
Locomotor Activity in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Turkish Journal of
Biology, 30, 23-28.
Alper Karakaş, Bülent Gündüz (2007). Maternal Transfer of Photoperiodic Information
Regulates the Postnatal Reproductive System Development of the Mongolian Gerbil
(Meriones unguiculatus). Turkish Journal of Biology, 31, 87-93.
K. Dinler, A.O. Hasdemir, C. Çöl, B. Gündüz, G. Buğdaycı, A. Kükner. The effetcs of
intraperitoneal melatonin injection and pinealectomy in experimental acute pancreatitis.
J Ist Faculty Med. 72:84-92, 2009
Histology Lecture Notes, 2005
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